Opor Ayam & Telur. Ingredients for Opor Ayam - Chicken in Coconut Milk. Opor ayam (chicken cooked in coconut milk) is one of many Indonesian dishes from Central Java. Most families serve opor ayam and ketupat (rice cake in woven palm leaf pouch) to celebrate Lebaran (Idul Fitri, or Eid).
This is usually served to enliven Ramadan in our tradition, along with ketupat and sambal goreng kentang (chile-fried potato).
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This mild Indonesian chicken curry usually served for special occasions such as Hari Raya Lebaran ( moslem's celebration after Ramadhan ).
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kamu dapat menghidangkan Opor Ayam & Telur hanya dengan menggunakan 17 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Opor Ayam & Telur yuk!
Bahan Opor Ayam & Telur
- Sediakan of ayam (saya td pake 1/4 kg bagian dada, sm sayap 3 buah).
- Siapkan of telur rebus.
- Sediakan of bawang putih.
- Diperlukan of bawang merah.
- Sediakan of Kunyit bubuk.
- Sediakan of ketumbar bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan of jinten bubuk.
- Diperlukan of santan bubuk.
- Siapkan of daun salam.
- Sediakan of lengkuas geprek.
- Dibutuhkan of air.
- Sediakan of Garam.
- Siapkan of Gula.
- Diperlukan of Merica.
- Sediakan of Penyedap.
- Dibutuhkan of Minyak goreng utk menumis.
- Siapkan of Bawang goreng sbg pelengkap.
This recipe is popular in Java island. It's similar to curry, but it has light taste yet still delicious and aromatic. Besides as daily dish, Opor Ayam usually serve as 'a must have' dish during Eid ul-Fitr, the biggest moslem holiday in Indonesia. This luxurious chicken stew from Java is a staple of the Indonesian kitchen, made by simmering the meat in coconut milk with curry paste and lemongrass The chef Retno Pratiwi grew up eating the dish on special occasions in West Java, and continues to make it at her pop-up restaurant in Boston, always opting for drumsticks over white meat Though the shallots are traditionally incorporated raw.
Langkah-langkah membuat Opor Ayam & Telur
- Haluskan duo bawang, ketumbar bubuk, kunyit bubuk, jinten bubuk.
- Tumis bumbu halus, masukkan daun salam dan lengkuas. Masak hingga harum dan agak sat.
- Masukkan ayam, masak hingga berubah warna, masukkan air, biarkan mendidih.
- Masukkan telur rebus, gula, garam, merica, penyedap sesuai selera.
- Larutkan 2 sdm santan bubuk dg 200 ml air, masukkan ke dalam rebusan ayam.
- Masak hingga bumbu meresap dan ayam matang.
- Sajikan dengan bawang goreng.
For more recipes related to Opor Ayam checkout Chicken Tetrazini, Kolhapuri Chicken, Chicken Makhani, Chicken Chettinaad. You can also find more Main Course Chicken recipes like Pesto Chicken Bake Oriental Meat Balls Chilli Chicken Khada Masala Dum Ka Murgh Opor ayam is an Indonesian dish from Central Java consisting of chicken cooked in coconut milk. The spice mixture includes galangal, lemongrass, cinnamon, tamarind juice, palm sugar, coriander, cumin, candlenut, garlic, shallot, and pepper. Opor ayam is also a popular dish for lebaran or Eid ul-Fitr, usually eaten with ketupat and sambal goreng ati (beef liver in sambal). In a pot add the chicken and bumbo bali, salam leaf, lemongrass, salt, and pepper.