Japanese cheese cake. Japanese cheesecake is very different from regular cheesecake. It is cotton soft, light, fluffy and the one of the best cheesecakes I have ever tasted. Perfect Japanese Cheesecake / cotton cheesecake recipe for a pillowy soft, light-as-air & heavenly cheesecake, no crack top & straight side.
Fluffy Jiggly Japanese Cheesecake. featured in American Vs.
Learn to master this Japanese classic dish in your own home!
My Japanese Cheesecake Recipe has the same cotton-soft sweetness and jiggly nature - now simplified from the usual complex methods of other recipes. Рецепт дня. «Японский хлопковый чизкейк» (Cotton Cheesecake).
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, sobat dapat menyiapkan Japanese cheese cake hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Japanese cheese cake!
Bahan-bahan Japanese cheese cake
- Diperlukan of Bahan A.
- Dibutuhkan of kuning telur.
- Sediakan of cream cheese.
- Diperlukan of butter (me:wisman).
- Gunakan of susu uht full cream.
- Diperlukan of vanili essense.
- Diperlukan of Bahan B.
- Sediakan of putih telur.
- Gunakan of gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan of perasan jeruk lemon.
It has a less sweet flavor and fewer calories than standard cheesecake, containing less cheese and sugar. The Japanese cheesecake originated in Hakata, a city in Kyushu, Japan. If you have a sweet tooth but prefer low calorie desserts, you can definitely divert to Japanese Cheese Cake. Is there a dessert more mesmerizing than a Japanese cheesecake?
Cara memasak Japanese cheese cake
- Siapkan Bahan².
- Panaskan Susu UHT dan cream cheese hingga keju meleleh dan mendidih, kemudian campurkan butter dan aduk hingga rata..
- Saat masih panas, masukkan terigu kemudian aduk hingga rata..
- Masukkan satu persatu kuning telur, dan aduk hingga rata..
- Dalam wadah lain, Mixer putih telur, gula dan vanili dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga berjejak dan berwana putih mengkilat.
- Campurkan adonan B ke adonan A sedikit demi sedikit secara bertahap dan aduk hingga rata.
- Tuang adonan yang sudah tercampur ke dalam loyang yang sudah dialasi baking paper dan diolesi mentega..
- Panggang dengan teknik au bain marie (loyang isi adonan diletakkan diatas loyang yang berisi air panas) dengan suhu 150°C selama 30-40mnt..
- Setelah bagian atas kue berwarna kecoklatan, angkat lalu dinginkan. dan kue siap disajikan.
This bouncy confection, also known as a Japanese cotton cake, is astonishingly light and. Also called Cotton Cheesecake, Japanese Cheesecake is light, fluffy, moist and less sweet than any other cheesecakes. And it is not difficult to make. Japanese cheesecake is pillowy soft, with cottony texture and soufflé like crumbs. When it is fresh from the oven, the cake is so soft that it jiggles like soufflé!